
What is a No Code Development Platform? | NashTech

Written by Hien | Feb 7, 2023 12:00:00 AM

There are many ways to get your digital solutions from idea to launch, but a development approach that's often overlooked is no code development. No code development platforms allows non-technical users to build digital solutions without any prior knowledge of programming languages.

Because no prior coding knowledge is required to take on no code development, it makes it a great solution for businesses that need to utilise non-technical, in-house talent for web and mobile application projects.

What is no code development?

No code development is an approach that allows technical and non technical users to build digital solutions through visual design tools and configuration instead of traditional computer programming.

No code can dramatically speed up the delivery of digital transformation compared to traditional development approaches. This allows businesses to innovate faster and helps to resolve any skill gaps that would normally require a professional developer.

By providing easy-to-use yet powerful tools, including tools for UI/UX design, AI modeling, and built-in automated Quality Assurance, no-code empowers every employee to become a proficient software creator without learning how to code.

In other words, no code development means that anyone within your business can build apps that work within your current infrastructure and fit into existing workflows - no matter their technical skillset or level of expertise.

What are the features of a no code platform?

No code platforms disrupt the traditional software development approaches by offering businesses an increased flexibility in terms of design and integration while also shorterning the time to market.

From Visual Design Tools to AI & Machine Learning, no code platforms provide businesses with a suite of ready-to-go features.

Visual design tools

By allowing businesses to speed up the process of creating digital solutions with drag and drop editing, no code platforms come with an extensive library of off-the-shelf UI components, widgets and templates.

Instead of hiring a professional developer, no code allows a businesses non technical users to create digital solutions by placing visual elements, and configuring them, in a few clicks.

Workflow automation

No code platforms offer businesses the tools for end-to-end digital process automation, allowing a business to automate simple processes within a single department, or complex cross department workflows that contains multiple stages, tasks and colleagues.

The automation capabilities available on a no code platform allows businesses to digitize their internal processes and also their customer centric workflows.

Off-the-shelf apps and components

A no code platform also provides off-the-shelf functionality that eliminates the need to build digital solutions from scratch. The best no code platforms include off-the-shelf modules and components businesses can use to build various digital solutions.

These solutions can include projects such as a customer relationship management platform or a platform for routine business tasks, such as managing requests (holidays, expenses, etc.).

AI & Machine learning

In addition, no code development platforms offer businesses AI & machine learning tools that empowers the user to build machine learning models to automate predictions, recommended next action, data classification or language processing.

Some no code platforms can also generate AI & machine learning elements based on your businesses existing data.

What are the benefits of a no code platform?

From a faster time to market to increased innovation, there are several benefits when using a no code development approach.

Improved efficiency & faster time to market

By offering businesses a set of off-the-shelf tools and features, such as drag and drop editing, no code development allows users to build applications in a fraction of the time it would take through a traditional development process.

By streamlining the development process, no code improves efficiency by removing complexity from building modern business apps allowing businesses to quickly develop digital solutions.

Reduced cost

Because no code development is all about the non-technical approach, it allows businesses to cut out the need to hire a traditional developer. Businesses don't have to spend anything or recruitment as they can utilise current employees even if they are non-technical.

With a no code approach, users build apps using modules meaning the total time and effort required is significantly lower compared to a traditional development approach. This means businesses can build faster and the overall costs are reduced.

Increased innovation

Additionally, no code development platform allows a non-technical user to quickly create digital solutions they need and quickly. This ensures a high amount of user buy-in, addresses any tech skills shortages, and allows the employee to digitise processes and deliver software solutions faster.

This can help to take the pressure off your businesses IT department, allowing them to focus on more complex projects that cant be completed using a no code approach.

What are the challenges/limitations of a no code platform?

Although there are several benefits when using a no code development approach, there are some challenges/limitations.

Rigid templates

When a traditional developer creates custom software, the only limitation they may face could be hardware or native language capabilities. No code platforms offer users templates to work within which can be rigid and restrictive.

A business may not be able to achieve the exact functionality they want or need and the user interface within some no code solutions can be limited. Before you choose a no code platform, make sure you understand what can be achieved, and what can't be achieved, within the platform.


Successful businesses get to a point where they need scalability with their digital solutions. Most no code development platforms are not easily scalable and if they are, it may come at a price.

Businesses may refrain from paying extra because they don't own the code and that could be a reason why businesses change to either a low code platform or a bespoke solution.

Security concerns

Security can be the top priority, for the user and software developer, when using or developing a digital solution. This can be a big disadvantage when using a no code development platform.

Concerns regarding security can arise when users (citizen developers) use a no code platform without the sufficient training required. The user may accidentally make an app insecure by not knowing how to setup the correct security protocols such as two factor authentication or a 'https' domain.

When would I use a no code development approach?

The justification for using a no code development approach is fairly simple to understand. Businesses need to build applications fast without sacrificing their entire budget. Taking into account some of the challenges of no code development, this approach isn't applicable to every scenario.

Here are a few use cases where a no code approach makes sense:

  • Reporting, dashboards & analytics
  • Customer portals
  • Legacy modernisation
  • Team collaboration & coordination
  • Small scale automation

To find out more about how NashTech's Application Services, such as no code development, can help your business create digital solutions, get in touch!

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