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Adaptive software development for a world that doesn't stand still

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The biggest recent change in software development is arguably the arrival of Agile approaches. Here we explain how NashTech has adopted Agile principles to develop a responsive and flexible outsourced software development model that we call Adaptive Development Services (ADS).

Adding flexibility to software development

With the arrival of Agile we said goodbye to the project management parallels between software development and civil engineering. In place of masses of upfront planning and specification, we now have iterative delivery with just enough planning before building starts, giving us the flexibility to change.

Similarly, specifying, buying and installing the hardware requirements for a software development project used to take ages and meant a large commitment in capital expenditure. Now, cloud services allow development environments to be provisioned in minutes and paid for monthly as needed.

Meeting the needs of a rapidly changing world

In today's rapidly changing world - where forecasting is difficult; competitors and industry disruptors introduce new products quickly; and markets swiftly appear and disappear - companies can't afford to commit beyond fairly short timescales. If something isn't working, it needs to be stopped without delay. And if something's working well, you need the ability to scale it up fast. This is all part of a 'startup' approach.

Until recently, outsourced software development didn't offer much more flexibility or much less commitment than using an in-house team. At NashTech, we felt the time was right to bring a 'startup' mindset to the outsourced software development model. We call it Adaptive Development Services.

Benefits of adaptive development

Our Adaptive Development Services (ADS) allow businesses to establish a low-risk, high-quality 'as needed' development service. The key benefits to our clients are:

  • Low commitment and high flexibility. We can resource most software development skills within seven days or less; and the commitment on resources is as little as two months. If business is successful, the team can be scaled up. If business volumes dip, the team can be quickly reduced or disbanded, saving clients money.
  • Deep pool of skills with a single blended rate. With a large pool of highly skilled staff in our development centres in Vietnam, we offer both deep technical developer knowledge and experienced project management at a simple blended rate. So we can deliver high-quality results in a cost-effective way.
  • Standalone team or bolt-on. ADS is particularly well suited to supporting a small proof of concept (PoC) team - to reduce technical uncertainty and/or quickly add a scrum team to an existing programme.
  • Scale down without risk of knowledge loss. Scaling back development teams can create single points of failure or knowledge gaps. ADS ensures core continuity in the team so that critical knowledge is shared. Even as a team is scaled down, access to key individuals is maintained, without having to keep them on the team full time.
  • Straightforward commercials. We offer a single blended cost per day based on a combination of core roles and levels (BA, TA, Dev, QC, DevOps), with a fixed maximum number of days per month billed monthly. There's no charge for engagement manager and project manager roles.

Where do NashTech Adaptive Development Services add most value?

Clients can benefit most from our ADS in situations such as:

  • Quick add-on to a large development team. If a dedicated in-house team is struggling to react quickly enough, you can add a flexible NashTech ADS team to your existing programme. You'll get the same high quality and fast setup with great collaboration.
  • Uncertainty about future business levels. With NashTech ADS you can quickly set up a development team with minimal commitment, and match your development spend with the level of business. So if your business grows, we can scale up quickly and seamlessly to support you.
  • Rapid PoC development to test a concept. A NashTech ADS team can help you quickly validate whether your chosen solution will serve your business needs and add value. We can help you get early feedback from end-users or prove a technology.

Ready to know more?

To learn more about NashTech Adaptive Software Development Services, email info@nashtechglobal.com and a member of the team will be in touch. If you have a proof of concept in mind, feel free to read our blog about running successful PoCs.

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