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Accelerate Digital Modernisation with NashTech & Microsoft

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Application modernisation has become of increasing interest to businesses, and there is growing recognition of its transformational benefits. On March 25th, 2021, NashTech hosted a workshop in cooperation with Microsoft, with the aim to bring digital modernisation closer to business leaders in Vietnam.

The event was tailored to meet the needs of enterprises that wish to renovate their existing system to achieve more sustainable and efficient business outcomes. By offering an overview, as well as details on the process of digital modernisation, NashTech aspires to bring about industry-leading solutions and facilitate consistent development for our clients.

This workshop also marks our first time co-hosting an event with our partner - Microsoft. We were pleased to have a chance to collaborate with Microsoft in organising this engaging and well-versed event. This opportunity provides us with more insights into how we can strengthen our partnership and grow together.

Key takeaways from the workshop

1. What is application modernisation?

Application modernisation is the process of transforming existing platforms into more agile, secure and resilient applications. This transformation is accompanied by up-to-date languages, frameworks and infrastructure platforms.

Rather than eliminating or replacing an old system wholesale, application modernisation allows a company to extend the lifespan of its existing application while also taking advantage of technical innovations. New and emerging technologies are incorporated into this process to facilitate a scalable and sustainable transition:

  • Cloud adoption
  • Evolution architecture
  • System integration
  • Interface modernisation
  • Incremental emerging tech

2. Why application modernisation is coming more prevalent?

The existing applications are not ready or easy to upgrade but require enhancement to support the business needs of today, so that organisations can continue to be innovative and disruptive. This is when application modernisation comes in.

Application modernisation enables enterprises to effectively handle their businesses, become more accessible to their clients and intelligently tackle a range of critical business challenges. This applies to:

  • Maintaining and upgrading existing systems
  • Shifting to new business models
  • Ensuing faster recognition and delivery of services in business
  • Making the most out of the latest technologies

As a result, this process can significantly impact business growth and development through:

  • Digital sales enhancement
  • Increasing process efficiency
  • Boosting consumer experience
  • Maximising security standards

Digital modernisation does not mean to replace the old applications with the new ones. We have some modernisation options that gradually implement the effective upgrading journey but bring significant value to the business.

3. NashTech's approaches

NashTech seeks to apply our expertise to developing a comprehensive and sustainable modernisation roadmap for our clients. We acknowledge that each business holds a distinctive model and drivers on which the modernisation process must be based in order to better assist its development.

By thoroughly assessing different aspects of a business, we establish a bespoke modernisation strategy that will suit their vision and current circumstance. We follow a painstaking procedure model from discovery to deploy & support to maintain the efficiency and security of the project.

NashTech desires to demonstrate how we bring application modernisation to life through hands-on lab during this workshop. Conducted by our experts in the field, the experience was designed to give clients a look into the rigorous approach to digital transformation that we adopt here at NashTech, and the way we address key concerns during modernisation such as: what is the right option and roadmap, suitable technologies, integration, the right approach for infrastructure & hosting & storage, data migration & management & synchronisation, right approach to support specific data regulations, right approach for security, right deployment strategy to minimise the down-time when upgrading the running systems.

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