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7 key steps to being cloud ready: Assessing your organisation's readiness

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Cloud migration has become a critical step for organisations looking to seize the benefits of being scalable, flexible and cost-efficient offered by cloud computing. However, before embarking on a cloud migration journey, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive cloud readiness assessment. This assessment evaluates an organisation's preparedness, identifies potential challenges, and helps develop a strategic plan for a successful migration.

We will explore the importance of doing a cloud readiness assessment to gain insights into how prepared your organisation is for cloud migration.

Understanding cloud readiness assessments

Cloud readiness assessment is a systematic evaluation of an organisation's infrastructure, applications, processes and cultural readiness for cloud migration. It involves assessing technical, operational and organisational aspects to determine the organisation's ability to adopt and benefit from cloud technologies effectively.

Benefits of cloud readiness assessment

A thorough assessment offers several benefits, including:

  • Identification of key business drivers and goals for cloud migration
  • Evaluation of existing infrastructure, applications and data to determine compatibility with the cloud environment
  • Assessment of security and compliance requirements to ensure a secure and compliant cloud migration
  • Identification of potential cost savings, performance improvements, and scalability opportunities through cloud adoption
  • Mitigation of risks and challenges associated with the migration process

Key steps in a cloud readiness assessment

1. Define objectives and goals

Clearly define the objectives and goals of your cloud migration initiative. Identify the specific benefits you expect to achieve through cloud adoption, such as cost savings, scalability, or enhanced agility.

2. Evaluate infrastructure

Assess your existing IT infrastructure to determine its readiness for cloud migration. Consider factors such as hardware, networking, storage and virtualisation capabilities. Identify any gaps or limitations that may require remediation or upgrades.

3. Assess applications and workloads

Evaluate your applications and workloads to determine their suitability for the cloud. Consider factors such as architecture, dependencies, performance requirements and data storage needs. Identify applications that are good candidates for migration, as well as those that may require refactoring or rearchitecting.

4. Review security and compliance

Evaluate your security and compliance requirements in the context of the cloud environment. Assess data sensitivity, privacy concerns, industry-specific regulations and compliance frameworks. Identify any additional security measures or controls needed to ensure a secure and compliant cloud migration.

5. Analyse performance and scalability

Assess the organisation's performance and scalability needs. Consider current and future workloads, peak usage periods and anticipated growth. Identify opportunities to improve performance and scalability through cloud adoption, such as leveraging auto-scaling capabilities or cloud-native services.

6. Evaluate IT operations and processes

Assess your IT operations and processes to identify areas that may require adjustments for cloud migration. Consider factors such as provisioning, monitoring, incident management and change management. Identify opportunities for automation, process optimisation and streamlining to align with cloud best practices.

7. Consider organisational readiness

Evaluate your organisation's readiness for cloud adoption. Assess factors such as cultural readiness, employee skills and training needs and change management capabilities. Identify potential challenges and develop a plan to address them effectively.

What's next after the assessment?

Doing a cloud readiness assessment is not a one-off activity. In fact, it serves as a steppingstone towards your cloud adoption journey. Based on the findings generated from the assessment, you will unveil many hidden insights that will help you achieve business success including:

  • Identify potential benefits: From the findings of the cloud readiness assessment, you will identify the potential benefits and opportunities that cloud migration can offer. These may include cost savings, improved scalability, enhanced agility, increased security and access to advanced cloud services
  • Develop a cloud migration strategy: You can use the insights gained from the assessment to develop a strategic plan for cloud migration as well as define a step-by-step roadmap, prioritising applications and workloads based on complexity, business impact and readiness. You can also establish timelines, resource allocation and key milestones for each phase of the migration
  • Address gaps and challenges: The cloud readiness assessment may reveal gaps or challenges that need to be addressed before or during the migration process. These may include infrastructure upgrades, application refactoring, security enhancements, or organisational changes. Thus, you can leverage the assessment findings to develop mitigation plans and allocate resources accordingly
  • Implement a proof of concept (PoC): Consider conducting a PoC or pilot project to validate the feasibility and benefits of cloud migration. This allows you to test the migration process, assess performance, evaluate cost implications, and gain stakeholder buy-in before proceeding with a full-scale migration
  • Monitor and optimise: Cloud migration is an ongoing process. Continuously monitor the performance, cost and security aspects of your cloud environment. Optimise configurations, fine-tune workloads, and leverage cloud-native tools and services to maximise the benefits of cloud adoption.


A cloud readiness assessment is a crucial first step in your cloud migration journey. By thoroughly evaluating your organisation's readiness, you can identify opportunities, mitigate risks and develop a strategic plan for a successful cloud migration.

But remember, the assessment is not a one-time exercise but an ongoing process. As technology evolves, it is essential to periodically reassess your organisation's readiness to stay aligned with industry best practices and emerging trends.

At NashTech, we understand that embarking on the cloud journey on your own is not always an easy task. By working with us, we can help you navigate through every stage of your cloud journey with confidence. From a cloud readiness assessment to cloud migration initiatives, we provide valuable insights, best practices along with in-depth knowledge and experience from projects with global clients throughout the journey.

To learn more about the NashTech approach, contact us to discuss how we can help you with your cloud initiatives.

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